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​​CBDC The real evil is not the dollar. The real evil that ou | ✅ Crypto Alina ✅


The real evil is not the dollar. The real evil that our children and grandchildren will have to live with is CBDC - central bank digital currency. State digital currencies.

Money that:

- may have an expiration date, after which they burn out. This encourages people to spend and boosts the economy. Imagine the interview of the future:
"We pay our employees 30% of fireproof tokens and 70% for a period of 3 months." The better the job, the more fireproof money.

- control of expenses. For example, a new law on ecology has been released. You buy 5kg of meat, and your money is rejected - because according to the law, there is no more than 2kg per month for everyone. Etc.

- remote blocking of the account of a bad person and all accounts that interacted with him. A person with a bad rating will not even take money, for example.

And so on, you can see what total control through a centralized Blockchain will lead to.

But there will always be loopholes. There will always be those who will use decentralized money. Because even those who create CBDC need invisible money.

CBDC is still a long way off, but I think it's inevitable.