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Manchester City - Inter Josep Guardiola's team made a sol | PIN-UP | Casino 🇮🇳

Manchester City - Inter

Josep Guardiola's team made a solid path to their second Champions League final. After "the Citizens" took first place in Group G, they beat Leipzig (1:1, 7:0), Bayern (3:0, 1:1) and Real Madrid in the playoffs ( 1:1, 4:0). Note that Manchester City won all the devastating victories in these confrontations at home, but on the road the British disagreed with rivals in the world

The Italians finished second in their group, after which Porto (1:0, 0:0), Benfica (2:0, 3:3) and Milan (2:0, 1:0) advanced to the playoffs. 0). It should be noted that on the way to their second Champions League final in the 21st century, Inter acted exemplarily in defense: the team had already eight “dry” matches, and this is the best indicator in the current tournament