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It is vitally important to understand the entirety of the Zion | /BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

It is vitally important to understand the entirety of the Zionist strategy.

On one side it is to use violence against Arab civilians and start wars and terrorism in Arab countries through proxies like ISIS, Al Queda and the United States.

On the other hand it is to open refugee centers in Europe and the US and to use media and lobbying to pressure Europe and the US to permanently accept the people displaced by these conflicts.

Stirring up White conservatives and right-wingers to resent muslims and support Israel because of all the racial problems created by Zionism, while simultaneously marginalizing and stigmatizing nationalistic Whites through hate speech laws and legal entrapment, thus making sure the problems never end, is the final stroke.

Saying that it has nothing to do with you if you are American or European is at best naive and myopic and at worst actively deceptive.