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'I'm not an anti-semite because I am married to an a-priori an | /BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

"I'm not an anti-semite because I am married to an a-priori and anti-empirical position that rules out this possibility ahead of time. Rather than doing material investigation of reality, I will make my own rules that say ethnic groups would never do this without ever investigating whether in reality they do. I will further use moralistic language to justify my own lack of intellectual curiosity."

Caleb Maupin is a marxist. How is saying the problem is some other race stupider than saying the problem is some other class?

This is like saying economic classes do not form mass conspiracies and set that up as a rule before doing any investigation.

It's dumb.

The Marxist would answer it's not a conspiracy, it is based on the inherent interests of capital necessitating a certain type of behavior to maintain their power. Which I am fine with. But this is what Jews do. It's dumb to say this paradigm could not possibly also apply to an ethnic group.