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New on National Justice: A decorated US military veteran deci | /BMW/ - The Bureau of Memetic Warfare

New on National Justice:

A decorated US military veteran decided to protest against Drag Queen Story Hour in his Pennsylvania town.

An Antifa member previously convicted for his role in a murder doxed him and soon after, somebody stole his identity. They then opened up credit cards in his name and harassed him on telegram.

He reported it to the local police, who did not help citing difficulties getting a warrant due to COVID.

Then the FBI started showing up at his house. His home was raided for solvent traps and "white supremacist literature" in January, but nobody in his family has been charged yet. Solvent traps are not illegal unless they are altered. They took all the legally owned firearms in his home despite the US Attorney refusing to tell his lawyer what they're even trying to charge him for.

Now the feds are pestering people he knows, asking them what his opinion on "LGBT" issues are.

This is what publicly disagreeing with left-wing extremists gets you in America.