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Hey everyone I have an announcement to make that might be rat | Kezas Comic Collection 📙

Hey everyone
I have an announcement to make that might be rather sad to some of you.

I've come to the realization that since there are so many sites that provide hundreds upon hundreds of comics with all the links and credits already it seems rather useless to keep this channel up and quite honestly it's the main reason why I don't enjoy adding new ones anymore. I thought that I could make it special and extra accessible but in the end it doesn't really save time or make anything much better.

That's the reason why I'm gonna delete this channel in exactly 2 weeks. I'll leave you all time to see this and save every comic from here that you'd like to.
I'm sorry if this disappoints you but it wouldn't make sense for me to keep doing something I no longer enjoy.
Have a great day everyone

P.S. the reason why I don't just leave it like this is because after a while of inactivity it would be deleted automatically