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KEEP IN MIND Hey Trick Picks family! As you all know, | Trick Picks Free


Hey Trick Picks family!

As you all know, each month we keep bringing more and better verified tipsters/insiders to the Trick Picks family. This means each month is a higher cost for us to pay all these informants. Currently, we work with +20 tipsters/insiders which costs us over +3500€ monthly.

To be able to run a sustainable service, we have to keep increasing the V.I.P subscription price as we keep adding more tipsters/insiders.(Remember that Trick Picks V.I.P subscriptions are very limited to maintain the best odds)

So if you're planning on joining V.I.P we recommend you to do so as soon as possible, so you will get the lowest price, because once you become a Trick Picks V.I.P member your price will never be increased.